Thursday, March 11, 2021

Blog Update

 So bad news everyone, the Labtop i've ben using has finally kicked the bucket with all my caption prompts, so it's going to be a while before I can make any new captions for you.  This blog isn't done but I don't know when I will be able to post again.  I'll make another update when I can start making captions again, but until then thank you to everyone who has visited and enjoyed this blog and I'm looking forward to start this up again.  


  1. Depending on what model your computer was and how it died, it may be possible to remove the hard drive and get the files from it. There should be guides online for whatever model of laptop you have. Sorry if this is something you already knew about or have tried, but I figured it was worth suggesting.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion I'm going to try but I don't know why my laptop died so I'm not to optimistic.

  3. Sorry to see this - it is possible to get things back. It is possible to get the computer started up again, as I have had this happen to me. Check with your computer person.

    Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
